Monday, August 22, 2011

Errors in Englcom Writing

 Sentence where there is an error
 Explanation why it is an error
 Revised version
1. "K+12" is the project of the Department of education in the Philippines to extend basic education to 12 years.
The e of Department of Education wasn't capitalized
"K+12" is the project of the Department of Education in the Philippines to extend basic education to 12 years.
2. He always practices hard and   when of the court thinks of ways to better his game.
 There was no subject for the verb think and no comma splice.
He always practices hard and when of the court, he thinks of ways to better his game.
3. On the other hand Lebron doesn't practice as much and relies solely on his physical assets and god given talent.
God wasn't capitalized and God-given lacked a hyphen
On the other hand Lebron doesn't practice as much and relies solely on his physical assets and God-given talent
4. Both have been proclaimed as   the greatest player of our generation.
Didn't pluralize player.
Both have been proclaimed as the greatest players of our generation.
5. his career high is 81 points which is the second highest scored points in an NBA game, and is a one-time MVP.
H in his isn't capitalized
His career high is 81 points which is the second highest scored points in an NBA game, and is a one-time MVP.
 6. In conclusion maturity isn't measured by how old we are or how we look it's how we act towards situations.
There should be no apostrophe. 
In conclusion maturity isn't measured by how old we are or how we look its how we act towards situations.
 7. The Philippines today isnt what it was 20 years ago.
There should be an apostrophe.
The Philippines today isn't what it was 20 years ago.
 8. times are changing
T should be capitalized.
Times are changing.
 9. Its easy to find jobs within the country or abroad.
There should be an apostrophe.
It's easy to find jobs within the country or abroad.
 10. I had a friend who wasnt that bright but dreamt of studying in UP
There should be an apostrophe.
I had a friend who wasn't that bright but dreamt of studying in UP

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